Almost Campfire Burgers

>> Monday, March 10, 2008

I have never ever been camping in my entire life. I've always wanted to - but not the really hard kind. lol. What I picture is roasting hot dogs on sticks over a campfire. I can't get that image out of my head when I think about camping. I think I watched too many cartoons as a kid. Anyway, (and this is a little exciting) - we had a blackout the other night. For Hours. And it was dinnertime on a budget. My first instinct was to order out. Pizza or chinese. I couldn't care less. But we had the 1/4 lb burger patties in the 'fridge and it wasn't getting any colder in there.

That's when I remembered that Steve used to go camping and had cooking equipment. There's this bunsen burner ee type thing that we set a small frying pan on. You can see its the blue flame. Anyhow, we happened to have campfire oil fuel or gas or whatever it was - and it was brilliant. We were frying one burger at a time in the dark. Provolone cheese. It was so much fun. I have no idea why it was as fun as it was. The burgers were delicious. Extra delicious cause it was cooked on the thingie. And the fuel stuff was clean burning. That's what Steve said. I'm just repeating it in case any of you were concerned about my respiratory health. What? Who's typing here? Gotta go an' Eat Something Good!


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