Challah French Toast

>> Sunday, June 15, 2008

Steve still drives a cab on Sundays to make some extra cash. Last week, he picked up a little old woman that works at a jewish bakery. She gave him a loaf of freshly baked challah bread. And yesterday, Steve made the most awesome french toast from it. Milk, eggs, vanilla and cinnamon made up the batter and then he dipped in each piece in a shallow pan. Then we cranked up the electric griddle and minutes later, voila, nine golden brown pieces of french toast. We served them with fake sausage links (vegetarian) made by Morningstar Farms. I totally could've done without them. I will definitely not be buying them again. But the french toast, soft and chewy and oh so good with real butter and maple syrup. He's driving today, I hope he picks up that little old lady again.


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