El Dorado Salvadorean Restaurant

>> Saturday, April 26, 2008

Steve was doing some yard work today while I reclined in bed and televeged. *grin*. He mowed the lawn, raked some leaves, washed his motorcycle, both scooters and both cars. Nice. He did have a little helper today. And I did collect and take out the garbage from both bathrooms and the kitchen. And I did all the dishes. At least I did a little. Now Steve's doing laundry. And I'm baking cinnamon rolls. Picturing this makes me smile.

The cinnamon rolls will be a nice finish to a great meal we had tonight. We went to one of our favorite salvadorean restaurants, El Dorado in Brewster, NY. At first, I thought I was in the wrong place because they started serving pizza as well. Fortunately the stuff we came for was still there.

As per usual, I had two pork pupusas with curtido and tomato sauce. Curtido is sorta like cole slaw without the mayo . Then I had the carne asada. It's a thin steak, well seasoned, and then grilled. It's always cooked well done. And even though I prefer my steaks medium/medium rare, this steak tonight was very, very delicious. I almost felt guilty that I'd ordered the most delicious dish at the table. I gave my both of my dinner companions a little piece and they were all...Mmmm. I'm sure they would've preferred it to their grilled thinly sliced pork pieces. (When I wasn't feeling it with beef one day, I decided to try the pork. And it *is* very good. But when you want red meat, carne asada is better.)

My steak came with a simple iceberg lettuce salad with a half slice of tomato and a couple of onions. I used my lime wedge and squeezed it over the salad and added a little salt. (I would've put pepper too but there was none on our table and I didn't feel like dealing.) Also, there was rice (very nice) and what looked like a black bean puree. Re-fried beans, I'm sure. Duh. All very, very good. I wasn't in the least disappointed with tonight's dinner. It's been one of the best I've had in a long while. Aside form drinking water and pomegranate juice, I had two cups of coffee. And there ya have it! Do like I do and Eat Something Good!

El Dorado Restaurant
542 N Main St
Brewster, NY 10509


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