Quiznos Subs

>> Sunday, April 6, 2008

Yesterday was the first time I ever ate a Quiznos sub. Actually, Steve and I split the chicken alfredo sub - it was like pieces of boneless chicken in an alfredo-like sauce. Tangier though. And with bacon. Then we each had a little flatbread sammie thing. It was the beef melt. Sliced beef with cheese (forget what kind - it was white and it wasn't american - I think.) The toasting part really does the trick. I didn't understand the little "Q" trays they put your sammie in. It seemed like a useless, poorly designed, waste of plastic. Oh, on the little flatbread sammie, they asked us if we'd like lettuce and tomato. And I looked at the thing. It was so cute and little, I couldn't picture how they'd get the stuff on. Then they removed a lid of shredded lettuce (not iceberg) mixed with little pieces of tomato. I thought that was neat.

Anyway, they were both pretty good. However, I didn't love their chicken alfredo sauce. As I said, it was tangier and I usually don't expect that with an alfredo so it was a surprise. Not necessarily a great one. The little beef melt things were good. Those I'd eat again. And they're really cheap. But I guess they're little so well anyway...Eat Something Good!

1882 Route 6
Carmel, NY


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