Betty Crocker Potato Spuds

>> Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I wasn't feeling so hot yesterday so Steve made dinner. He decided to make one of our trash meals. I wanted burgers for dinner but he had a different idea. He wanted to serve fried burgers with swiss cheese and brown gravy. It sounds almost like a salisbury steak which, by the way, I'm interested in finding a recipe for. I've never made it before but I like some of the frozen kinds.

Anyway, we had instant mashed potatoes with them. I had Betty Crocker Potato Spuds once in high school or younger. I made them myself and I thought I had a nice, almost creamy product to enjoy. All opinions changed last night. Despite their claim that they're made from 100% real potatoes, I noticed that it lacked something. Oh yes, that would be the actual potato flavor. I couldn't believe how bland it was. Even with gravy, salt and pepper. By the way, we used Heinz rich mushroom gravy (the kind in jars.) I've had the savory beef before and I liked it for a jarred/canned gravy. Back to the potatoes, they were very soft and I guess the texture was smooth but it was an almost unpleasant, pasty smooth kinda thing. I didn't like the texture. I'm sticking to real mashed potatoes next time. I can do without the instant stuff. By the way, I'm not a snob about processed foods. I like to try different kinds every now and then to keep up on the many food products out there - some of which are pretty good. I wouldn't want to miss a gem for our plentiful trash nights.

Til we meet again, Eat Something Good!


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