Annie's Homegrown

>> Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Homegrown. Not kidding. That's what the box of macaroni & cheese says. Actually, it's shells & cheese. They say it's made with organic pasta and has "no artificial anything." Well, we certainly put enough butter in it last night to undo all the goodness the package had to offer. We were so beat last night for some reason. I couldn't bring myself to cook. So Steve started it and I helped. It was just as easy to make as Kraft mac n' cheese.

The verdict. I liked it. At first, I thought it was seasoned just right. But then, as I ate on, I realized it needed a pinch of salt. But the salt thing happens with me often. It's good then it's not as good then *pinch* and it's even better. Steve loved it. He's a long time eater of box mac n cheese. He suggested that we put the stuff on top of Tostitos tortilla chips. The big restaurant sized ones. It's the only kind we get. I scooped some up and it wasn't bad. The first few chips were good. Then it got...well, it stumbled into 'whatever' land. Not only did Steve suggest chips, but he decided (because we weren't up to it) - that we should just eat it straight out of the pot with one fork in the living/computer room. I was totally okay with that idea. Yeah, we slobbed out. Okay, kiddies...Eat Something Good!


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