
>> Friday, September 26, 2008

I just made myself (and Sid) an egg sandwich (2 eggs) with american cheese on Home Pride whole wheat bread. The bread is really fluffy and soft. Takes me back to my Wonder bread days. That's the bread my mom used to buy along with Home Pride and Sunbeam. They were all squishy white breads. Steve picked up this loaf randomly at our local little market. And last night, we had more sammies. Boar's Head bologna with american cheese on whole wheat bread. I had mine with mustard and mayo. Him just mayo. I don't eat bologna too often. The thought of it is usually unappealing. I used to especially dislike having it the way we did last night. I guess I'm a cold cut snob. But Steve likes bologna sandwiches so we had them. When I was younger, a neighbor friend of mine used to fry salami and make sandwiches with mayo on them. I thought it was weird but when I tasted it, it was pretty good. I got the idea to fry bologna one day and I don't remember but I think I liked it better than it straight up. I don't think I'll eat bologna for a while. I'm already having icky memories of last night. Thank goodness I used the rest for Steve's lunch today. Oh, for dessert (to continue on our naughty eating path), we had Nestle Toll house chocolate chip cookies. The premade roll kind. We had them when they were quite warm. I think I ate like five. They were good sized cause I spooned it onto the sheet pan. When Steve makes them, he makes them a little smaller. This morning Steve told me he saved me a cookie. He was all proud and sweet about it. He had a big smile on his face. When he asked me if I'd already eaten it (this morning) I said yes. He's gonna get quite a treat when he opens up his lunch today because, out of love, I stuck it in there. I'm so sweet :) Hehehe. Eat something good!


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