Garlic Cube

>> Monday, September 29, 2008

Steve wanted a repeat of last week's dinner. Meat sauce. We used the sauce from batch #2. I'd accidentally burned that batch a little bit so it has the flavor of, laugh, burnt tomatoes. It was good though. It added something. And it was a lot thicker than I remember. I'm so glad sauce making is over. Steve canned the last batch last night. He stayed up til 1:00am while I snoozed upstairs. When making the sauce, we used fresh garlic. And I can't tell how much I dislike working with fresh garlic. It's sticky and gets all over your fingers. Pain, pain, pain in the you know where.

Thank goodness for the garlic cube. The garlic cube is awesome. I got these at Trader Joe's but later saw them in my regular grocery store, Stop n' Shop. Anyway, they come frozen in these little trays. When you're ready to use one, you pop a cube out like an ice cube almost. Note: Because the garlic is minced, it imparts a strong flavor. (Or maybe I just made that up.)

We were at A&P yesterday. The rival store. It's next door to the Feed Barn (where we get Sid and Grey Cat's food.) Anyway, we asked the kid in frozen foods if they had any frozen garlic cubes. He walked us up and down the aisles and he couldn't find any. He said he gets a lot of requests for it. Like 30 times a day. So, we went home empty handed. If you can get your hands on some, you'll see what I mean about them. The convenience. And they soften up pretty quickly even though they're frozen. I highly recommend them. They last a while in the freezer too. I use them all the time. They also have frozen trays of herbs such as basil and cilantro. The basil was pretty good. I haven't tried the cilantro. Yet. Okay, time for me to take a stroll. Kick back and Eat Something Good!


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