Boca Chik'n

>> Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We haven't had boca burgers in a couple of months. During the summer and while we were trying to be healthy, we ate a whole bunch of them. Then the last time around, Steve decided that he didn't really like them anymore. (We were off of our diet at that point.) He said they have an aftertaste. True, they are a little weird in flavor but I didn't mind their texture. It was almost meat-like. And I like meat. So we have a few boxes in the 'fridge that'll probably go untouched for a long while.

But last night I had the Boca chik'n patties as a sandwich on whole wheat pita with lettuce and mayo. They weren't bad. The texture isn't exactly reminiscent of chicken. It's more like a fake crab - not the imitation crab stick kind. But as a sandwich, I think it gets away with it. I got the plain kind not the spicy. Though I like the spicy ones. They have a little kick to them. Steve had a toasted multigrain bagel with butter and reduced fat cream cheese. Then I remembered that we had leftover beef bourginon. Yes, we hit that hard! It was still sooo delicious. (I didn't even give Sid any.) *oink* Steve said that if there were a little more herb flavor in it, he'd say it's restaurant quality. I did add thyme as the recipe called for - but next time I'll need to add a little more. We only had a little left. I wonder if potency decreases with time. It probably does but how much time? Need a food scientist. And I bet the scientist would tell you to Eat Something Good!


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